Introduction of Python
What is Python? Python is a popular programmatic language. It was invited by Guido Van Rossum & released on 1991. Using Python we can develop Web application Development (server side)…
Flutter Interview Questions
1. What is Flutter? Flutter is a mobile application development framework that allows developers to create high-performance, beautiful, and responsive mobile applications for multiple platforms using a single codebase. It…
Create Splash Screen in Android
Creating a splash screen in an Android app involves designing a screen that is displayed briefly when the app is launched, providing a visual transition before the main content appears.…
Android Runtime Permissions
In Android, runtime permissions refer to the permissions that an app must request from the user while the app is running in order to access sensitive data or perform certain…
Predefined Alert Dialog
Alert Dialog is a window that pops up on the screen. They generally show some information and ask for a user action. There are three core components that build an…
Toggle button
Toggle buttons can be used to select from a group of choices. There are two types of toggle buttons: Toggle button To emphasize groups of related toggle buttons, a group should…
Material Buttons
Buttons Design Buttons allow users to take actions, and make choices, with a single tap New buttons have updated shape, typography, and color mappings, dynamic color compatibility, and 3 additional…
Android Date Time Picker Dialog
Android Date Time picker are used a lot in android apps. In this tutorial we’ll demonstrate the use of a Date Picker and Timer Picker Dialog in our android application. These components are used…
Test configuration
Playwright has many options to configure how your tests are run. You can specify these options in the configuration file. Note that test runner options are top-level, do not put them…