Set up a RequestQueue
The previous lesson showed you how to use the convenience method Volley.newRequestQueue to set up a RequestQueue, taking advantage of Volley’s default behaviors. This lesson walks you through the explicit steps of creating…
The previous lesson showed you how to use the convenience method Volley.newRequestQueue to set up a RequestQueue, taking advantage of Volley’s default behaviors. This lesson walks you through the explicit steps of creating…
At a high level, you use Volley by creating a RequestQueue and passing it Request objects. The RequestQueue manages worker threads for running the network operations, reading from and writing to the cache, and parsing responses.…
Volley is an HTTP library that makes networking for Android apps easier and most importantly, faster. Volley is available on GitHub. Volley offers the following benefits: Volley excels at RPC-type operations…
activity_main.xml ConnectionChecking.Java build.gradle AndroidManifest.xml
Activity_Main.xml AndroidManifest.xml Bulid.gradle
Registration API Url: Request: Form Data Keys are username, email, password activity_main.xml RegResponse.Java androidManifest.xml Add below lines in build gradle
In Android WebView is used to display HTML page in app. We can use android WebView to load HTML page into android app. Android WebView component is a full-fledged browser…
Sliding drawer is is used to add smooth simple sliding drawer navigational menus on android applications. Sliding drawer works same as web designing sliding menus. It controlled by simple handle…