Thu. Feb 13th, 2025

The  latest version of Android  is  Oreo introduced in Aug 22 2017.

1. Redesigned Settings Menu
completely the setting menu is changed in android 8.0, that completely we can customize that as per or requirement.

2. Revamped File Manager

File manager is completely updated with different folder like based on the content and all.
3. Battery-Saving Background Restrictions
Based  on battery percentage we can restrict some background apps like whatsup,facebook, maps,GPS etc.
4.  Snooze Individual Notifications

If we are busy we can snooze indivisual notifications to next 15 minutes. After 15 mintues automatically notification can trigger as new notifaction.
5. Fingerprint Scanner Gestures

Up to know this feature we have for locking and unlocking for device only that only few manufactires are introduced but now this we can get for each and every app as well.
6. Turn on Wi-Fi Automatically
Based on the mobile location automatically wifi turn and turn off facility introduced, so automatically battery life is saved.

7. More Granular Storage Controls

By selecting the file it self we can find the how much space that file is occupying and also OS is also occupying less memory compare to previous versions.
8. Picture-in-Picture Mode
picture in picture mode is nothing but while am watching one videos if am searching other video then older video should come to right of bottom the with playing only so without disturbance we can check other.

9. Autofill Framework
Some our regularly activities like entring address and credit/devbit card information those fileds automatically fills based on the previous data so that here we can save the time .
10. Rescue Party
When a fatal bug comes through and your device starts crashing, the os will trying to automatically fix the issue,that is  Rescue Party, basically it  fixes when your phone repeatedly reboots, or when a  app continuously crashes.

11. Notification Channels
Normally when we no .of notifications latest one should top but here we can gave priority so that always that notification on the top.

12. Adaptive Icons
Up to now in android we have only styles of icon like Square,circle,oval are available but from this version on words we can customize icons.

13. Hi-Fi Bluetooth Codecs
Bluetooth has always lower audio quality when compared to a set of wired headphones. So from this version google implroved Bluetooth range with high frequency.
14 Tab Navigation
Up to only we have option to acces single tab in browsers but from 8.0 onwards we can manage multiple tabs in browsers like Laptops/Desktops.
15. App Drawer Improvements
This is easy navigation to installed app once we enable this feature if you touch any where on the screen it should open navigation from left side with all apps as listview, so easily we can access those.

16. Wider Color Gamut in Apps
Upto 7.0 when we want to use any colors of Image, backbround & text color only we have option RGB but from 8.0 onwards Render wide color gamut content with using below code (extra palet option to select color).


17. Wi-Fi Aware

In lower versions if any open networks available simply it will display only give some notification open network available but from android 8.0 on words automatically it can connect.
18. Notification Badges on the Home Screen
This is for unread notifications it will display badgets for unread notifications same as ios (icon it self will display count of unread notification) this we can enabled or disabled from “Apps & Notifications” menu in Settings.

19. No More ‘Unknown Sources’ Setting
In previous versions there is option in settings i.e “Unknown Resources” that time if we check unkonown resources its accept any type of APK. But from now it won’t accept APK from unknown resources only it can accept from official stores only.

20. Battery Percentage Indicator Tweaks
Previously, we have small overlay to your battery indicator that shows the current battery  percentage. But now, in this version we have option to display the percentage next to the battery indicator in your status bar.

21. Battery & Connection Indicators in Quick Settings
This is just a minor change, but when you pull down your notification panel there is option to access your Quick Settings now you will see a set of network and battery indicators on the top of the screen, next to the Settings

22. Powered by Android’ on Boot Screen
In bottom of the screen while booting the device its showing one message i.e. powered by Android its previously already available in pixel & nexus.

23. Package Installer Progress Bar
When we installing any application in previous versions we used progress Dialog but now progress dialog as deprecated so instead of the now using progress Bar with animation.

24. Smart Text Selection
This feature isvery helpful to user when user copying some text from message or some other location previously all text should be same but from 8.0 if it contains URL that portion highlighted as a URL and other properties like Bold, italic, color those should effect as it is when we pasted in some other location.

25. Overlay Sticky Notification
Overlay is nothing but hightlighthing the necessary content. In Orieo google added this feature for notifications but for this Android 8.0 require permission from the user.

26. New Emojis

Previolsy in android only we have rounded traditional emojis but nowGoogle launched blob shaped smiles with gradient properties. Using emojis we can express our fellings in lesser time while chatting with others.

By Rajashekar

I’m (Rajashekar) a core Android developer with complimenting skills as a web developer from India. I cherish taking up complex problems and turning them into beautiful interfaces. My love for decrypting the logic and structure of coding keeps me pushing towards writing elegant and proficient code, whether it is Android, PHP, Flutter or any other platforms. You would find me involved in cuisines, reading, travelling during my leisure hours.

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