Enable Developer Options in OPPO
Open Settings-> Abour Phone-> Version. • Tap 7 times to enable developer mode. • A message will be displayed that “you are now in developer mode”. • A new menu…
Open Settings-> Abour Phone-> Version. • Tap 7 times to enable developer mode. • A message will be displayed that “you are now in developer mode”. • A new menu…
API: URL: https://androindian.com/test/Register_raw.php Request: {“username”:“Raj”,“password”:“1234”,“email”:“Rajtest2356178@admin} Response: {“key”:”You are registered successfully.”,”status”:”success”} {“key”:”Email already Exists”,”status”:”failed”} build.gradle activity_Main.xml MainActivity.kt SampleProjectInterface.kt RegisterResponse.kt androidmanifest.xml
activity_main.xml output
To check the battery percentage in Android using Kotlin, you can use the BatteryManager system service. Here’s a simple example: Add the necessary permission to your AndroidManifest.xml: MainActivity.kt activity_main.xml
Validating EditText input in Android is a common task to ensure that the user enters the correct type of data. This can include checking for empty fields, validating email addresses,…
activity_main.xml MainActivity.kt FirstFrag.kt fragment_first.xml second_frag.kt activity_second.xml Registr.kt activity_regstr.xml androidManifest.xml
In Android, fragments are a fundamental part of the user interface and provide a way to manage the layout and behavior of individual components or portions of a user interface…
Operators Operators are used to perform operations on variables and values. Python divides the operators in the following groups: Python Arithmetic Operators Arithmetic operators are used with numeric values to…
API: https://reqres.in/api/users?page=2 Method: GET Resposnse: { “page”: 2, “per_page”: 6, “total”: 12, “total_pages”: 2, “data”: [ { “id”: 7, “email”: “michael.lawson@reqres.in”, “first_name”: “Michael”, “last_name”: “Lawson”, “avatar”: “https://reqres.in/img/faces/7-image.jpg” },], “support”: {…
Objects An object is a software bundle of variables and related methods. To create an object: To create an object first we need to create a class. To create a…