String in Java
String is a predefined class, which can be used for storing a group of characters. To store a group of characters we need to create an object of String class.…
String is a predefined class, which can be used for storing a group of characters. To store a group of characters we need to create an object of String class.…
In multi dimension array of the arrays have unequal size then they are called Jagged array Example of Jagged array Creation of the above jagged array int[][] arr = new…
The multi dimension arrays in java will be represented in the form of array of arrays Syntax for declaring a two dimension array: datatype arrayName[][]; Rule 1: At the time…
Syntax: Within the {} we can specify any number of values separated by a comma. Example: int [] arr = {10,20,30,40,50} Program
This loop is introduced in java 1.5 version and it designed for accessing the elements from arrays (collection). It is also called as enhanced for loop. Syntax: for(declaration:arrayname){ statements; }…
An array is a derived data type, which can be used for storing multiple values. If an application requires multiple values, then we can store those multiple values by declaring…
Break: Break is a transfer statement which can be used either inside switch statement or inside a loop. Note: When we are specifying the break statement in a loop we…
If we specify a loop inside another loop then it is called as nested loop. Any loop can be specified inside any other loop any number of times. Program: Program
This loop can be used for executing the statements multiple times. A do-while loop has to be used when we do not know the exact number of iterations. Syntax: Program…
This loop can be used for executing the statements multiple times. A while loop has to be used when we do not know the exact number of iterations. Syntax: Program:…