Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

Introduction to Mobile Application Development

From past 5 years Mobile application development escaleted business stratigies worldwide. Mobile app is almost same as web application devlelopemnt but one major difference is if we develop web application using any platform it suitable to all platforms like windows,linux, mac etc., but if we develop mobile app that is especially suitable for respective platform only.

Mobile App development is nothing building the applications for low memory devices like smartphones & tablets. In market we have major two catogories of mobiles are available those are Feature phone and Smartphone.

Differences between feature and smart phone

Feature PhoneSmart phone
Feature phone contains single application with basic features like camera,Bluetooth,contcats, settings etc.Smart phone contains operating system with some applications.
End user can not install any new applcationsEnd user can install no of applications
Compare smart phones which have less memoryConatins High memory
Feature phones are powered by Java Applications like Symbian,java ME,meego etc.Smart phone are powered by different operetors like Android,ios, windows, blackberry etc.
Example is all basic models of devices comes in to this category like nokia, Samsung, micromaxExample is all other models of devices comes in to this category


Simply reducing human efforts. The software which is designed to store data, provide entertrainment, process data, do some business process, generate reports etc., these  are developed by using some programmatic language like Java,.net,python etc.

Operating System:

Opearting system is nothing but commucation between hardware and software, it can interact with the hardware devices and make them work

Mobile applications development also have two types one is Native othe one is hybrid/cross platform

Differences between Native and Cross platform

Native AppsCross Platform
Native can support for single platformNative application can support for multi platforms
Example: Android,iosExample: Phonegap,xamarin,titanium studio
Native Application are fast compare to cross platform applicationscross Application are slow compare to cross platform applications
It can supports more feacuresIt can not support all features
Light weightHeavy weight because we are taking support of some external resources support like CSS,Java Script,jquery, Angular JS etc.

Mobile Application types:

Mobile applications are two types one is Static and dynamic.

Static Application:

It can not communicate with server always the content should be same.

Example: Calculator

Dynamic Applications:

it can communicate with server day by day content chaged.

Example: Amazon.flipkart

By Rajashekar

I’m (Rajashekar) a core Android developer with complimenting skills as a web developer from India. I cherish taking up complex problems and turning them into beautiful interfaces. My love for decrypting the logic and structure of coding keeps me pushing towards writing elegant and proficient code, whether it is Android, PHP, Flutter or any other platforms. You would find me involved in cuisines, reading, travelling during my leisure hours.

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