After completion of test planning corresponding testers in scrum team can start test design by writing test scenarios, test cases and test data for responsible module.
a. Study all user stories in sprint backlog(SBL): Sprint backlog is part of product backlog, testers responsible modules are part of sprint backlog.
But specific testers need to understand all user stories in sprint backlog or product backlog
b. Prepare test scenarios and test cases for responsible user stories: From testing principles exhaustive testing impossible, Ad-hoc testing is not reasonable due to this reasons testers can prepare test scenarios and cases for responsible modules optimal testing. Here testers can follow black-box testing techniques and IEEE829 standard format to prepare optimal test cases for responsible modules. Black-Box testing techniques: To prepare optimal scenarios and cases for responsible modules functional testing, every tester can follow black box testing techniques or closed-box testing techniques.
Orthogonal arrays(OA): OA, we can this technique to remove repetition in test cases. STF, state transition flow techniques is used to write test cases in order with respective to functionality. EG, error guessing Technique is used to guess defect in upcoming sprint or software depends on past experience. Note: BVA -> Write test cases ECP -> Write test cases DT -> Write test cases OA->Remove repetition in test cases STF ->Arrange test cases in order EG ->Guess defect without running cases on sprint or software
I’m (Rajashekar) a core Android developer with complimenting skills as a web developer from India.
I cherish taking up complex problems and turning them into beautiful interfaces. My love for decrypting the logic and structure of coding keeps me pushing towards writing elegant and proficient code, whether it is Android, PHP, Flutter or any other platforms.
You would find me involved in cuisines, reading, travelling during my leisure hours.