Services Example in Android with Kotlin
A Service is an app component that can handle long-running operations in the background, and it does not provide a user interface. Another application component can start a service, and…
A Service is an app component that can handle long-running operations in the background, and it does not provide a user interface. Another application component can start a service, and…
Sliding drawer is is used to add smooth simple sliding drawer navigational menus on android applications. Sliding drawer works same as web designing sliding menus. It controlled by simple handle…
activity_main.xml MainActivity.kt
Quick contact badge is gives us the way to add any contact information directly through android application to mobile phone. Quick contact badge is basically used in information and advice…
Android SeekBar is the extension of ProgressBar. SeekBar allows the user to change the value using touch event/draggable thumb/left right arrow keys. The user can increase the value by dragging…
Progress bars are used to show progress of a task. For example, when you are uploading or downloading something from the internet, it is better to show the progress of…
activity_main.xml MainActivity.kt
activity_main.xml MainActivity.kt