After completion of related programs writing and unit testing corresponding programmer can inter connect programs to build a sprint/software. Here Programmers can test interconnection of programs correctness.

hybrid, big bang approaches.
1) Top-Down:
From this approach programmer can interconnect main program and some of sub programs because the remaining sub programs are under constructions. In the place of under constructive sub programs, programmer can use temporary program called as STUB.

2) Bottom-UP:
From this approach programmer can interconnect sub programs without involvement of main program because the main program is under construction. In the place of under constructive main program, programmer can use a temporary code as Driver.

3) Hybrid approach:
From this approach programmer can interconnect sub programs without involvement of main program and some of sub programs because they are under construction.

This approach is also called as sand-which approach. Here driver is “calling program” and Stub is “Called Program”.
Note: Top-down, bottom-up and hybrid approaches are also called as incremental integration.
4) Bigbang approach:
This approach is also called system approach. Form this approach programmers can wait until 100% coding then goto integration.