Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

After completion of integration of sprint, tester in scrum team can concentrate on sprint testing by conducting below functional and non-functional tests.

1) Functional Testing
Sprint testing or software testing by testers can start with functional testing. Here testers can validate sprint or software with respective to customer requirements in user stories.
In general, functional testing is divided into below subtest.

a. GUI Testing:
GUI transfer graphical user interface.
During this test, testers can validate behaviour of each element in every screen of sprint or software. This testing is also called as control flow testing or behavioural testing.
b. Input Domain Testing:
During this test, testers can fill input elements to validate size and type of those elements.
c. Error-Handling Testing:
During this test, testers can operate sprint or software screens, by giving invalid data to get error message, POP-Ups.
d. Manipulation Testing:
During this test, testers can operate sprint or software screens, by giving valid data to get output or outcomes. This testing also called as functionality testing.
e. Database Testing:**
During database testing, testers can operate front end screens of software and observe that operation impact on back end database tables. In terms of data validation and data integrity.

f. Data Volume Testing:
This test also called as memory testing or capacity testing. During this test, testers can try to calculate capacity of data base table in sprint or software.

Note: In above 6 functional testing topics. First 4 topics are front end; next 2 topics are back end test.

g. Recovery Testing:
This test is also called as reliability testing. During this test, testers can observe this sprint or software is recovery from abnormal stage to normal stage or not.
h. SOA Testing*
SOA transfers for service for service oriented architecture. During SOA testing, testers can operate sprint to share data from other software’s. This testing is also called as intersystem testing or end to end testing
or Interoperability testing or API (Application programming interface) testing or web services testing

2) Non-Functional Testing

After completion of functional testing, testers can concentrate on non-functional testing. During this test, testing team can concentrate on customer expectations during non-functional testing. Due to this reason non-functional testing is called as expectations testing.
Here testers can expect a complete sprint without driver & stubs to conduct nonfunctional testing. Due to this reason non-functional testing is also called as system testing.
In general non-functional testing can validate characteristics of software like usability, performance, security, comparability…etc. Due to this reason nonfunctional testing is called as characteristics testing.
Non-functional testing divided into below sub test such as:
a) Usability Testing:
This testing is also called as accessibility testing. During this test, testers can concentrate on below factors.

b) Comparability Testing:
This testing also called as portability testing.
During this test, testers can operate corresponding sprint in various customer expected platforms. Here platforms mean browser, operating system and other system software’s.
c) Hardware configuration Testing:
This testing is also called as hardware comparability testing.

During test, testers can operate corresponding sprint in various hardware configuration.
EX: Lunch a website in computer in mobile.
d) Performance Testing:
Performance means speed in processing. During performance testing, we can conduct below subtest, such as
 Load Testing
 Stress Testing
 Spike Testing
 Endurance Testing
 Load Testing:
The execution of sprint or software in customer expected environment and by applying customer expected load (load means NO: of concurrent Users) to estimate speed in process is called load testing.
 Stress Testing:
The execution of sprint or software in customer expected environment and by applying more than customer expected load to identify peak load, is called as stress testing or Load capacity testing.
 Spike Testing:
The execution of sprint or software in customer expected environment and by applying huge load to identify crashing point, is called as spike testing.
 Endurance Testing:
The execution of sprint or software in customer expected environment and by applying customer expected load iteratively/continuously long time to identify memory leakage is called as endurance testing or durability testing or soak testing or longuity testing.
e) Security Testing:
This testing is also called as penetration testing during this test, testing people can concentrate on below sub tests.
 Authorization/Authentic Testing:
It’s means whether sprint or software is allowing valid user and preventing invalid user or not?
Ex: Login, swiping, finger print, digital signature, eye detection… etc.
 Access Control Testing:
Its means whether a valid user have permission to access functionalities in sprint or software?
 Encryption/Decryption Testing:
It’s means whether encryption/decryption process in sprint or software is strong or not?

Note: To Conduct Encryption/decryption testing, Hacking knowledge is mandatory for testers.
f) MultiLanguity Testing:
This testing is also called as foreign languages testing. During this test, testing people can follow any one of two ways when corresponding sprint or software developing using java Unicode or .net Unicode..Etc.

g) Parallel Testing:
This testing is also called comparison or competitiveness testing. During this test, testers can compare corresponding sprint or software with other competitive product in market to identify weakness and strengths.

 This testing is need for product based software or sprint.
h) Compliance Testing:
This testing is also called as standard testing. During this test, testing people or validate by scrum master and Product Owner with respective to company standards.
Ex1:15 to 20 test scenarios with cases preparation per day (8 hours).
EX2:10 to 15 test scenarios with cases execution per day (8 hours).
Ex3:3 to 5 defects detected per day (8 hours).

By Rajashekar

I’m (Rajashekar) a core Android developer with complimenting skills as a web developer from India. I cherish taking up complex problems and turning them into beautiful interfaces. My love for decrypting the logic and structure of coding keeps me pushing towards writing elegant and proficient code, whether it is Android, PHP, Flutter or any other platforms. You would find me involved in cuisines, reading, travelling during my leisure hours.

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