Checking the Battery Percentage
To check the battery percentage in Android using Kotlin, you can use the BatteryManager system service. Here’s a simple example: Add the necessary permission to your AndroidManifest.xml: MainActivity.kt activity_main.xml
Simple Fragment example in Fragment
activity_main.xml MainActivity.kt FirstFrag.kt fragment_first.xml second_frag.kt activity_second.xml Registr.kt activity_regstr.xml androidManifest.xml
Fragment Life Cycle
In Android, fragments are a fundamental part of the user interface and provide a way to manage the layout and behavior of individual components or portions of a user interface…
RecyclerView with Kotlin by Get Method
API: Method: GET Resposnse: { “page”: 2, “per_page”: 6, “total”: 12, “total_pages”: 2, “data”: [ { “id”: 7, “email”: “”, “first_name”: “Michael”, “last_name”: “Lawson”, “avatar”: “” },], “support”: {…
Shared Preference in Android Kotlin
activity_main.xml MainActivity.kt Homepage Activity.kt activity_home_page.xml
Create Splash Screen in Android
Creating a splash screen in an Android app involves designing a screen that is displayed briefly when the app is launched, providing a visual transition before the main content appears.…
Android Runtime Permissions
In Android, runtime permissions refer to the permissions that an app must request from the user while the app is running in order to access sensitive data or perform certain…