Wed. Mar 12th, 2025

Whenever the customer requirements are not clear, organizations can goto develop
model software to show to customers and to get clear requirements. This sample
software is called as “prototype”/Sample screens are prototype to customer for clear
requirements gathering

Note: In above diagram identify new requirements means Collect clear requirements.
Explanation of above diagram:
  1. From the above diagram at first software bidding will be done between the CEO of
    company and customer or client. Then after bidding, the CEO will conduct the
    meeting with all the project managers (PM) in the company called as “kick of
  2. In that meeting CEO will make an announcement about that new project, to handle
    that project any one of the project manager will be selected. Then that project
    manager will give an project initiation note (PIN) to CEO.
  3. Then PM will assign the work to the business analyst (BA) to gather all the
    requirements from the customer. If customer requirements are not clear then
    company will develop a model s/w and show to the customer. At that time customer
    will identify the new requirements and those requirements will be gathered by BA.
  4. Then BA will submit all the gathered requirements to the system analyst (SA) in order to do the analysis or detailed planning which is going to submit it to the PM. Then PM will approve that planning done by SA.
  1. Then SA will submit that document to the technical architect (TA).
  2. Then designers will do the design which consists of HLD and LLD’s.
  3. Based on that design, programmers will do the coding and that corresponding
    programmers will test the developed code.
  4. Then after testing that s/w, few programmers will be selected for onsite and release
    the s/w. Then change for control board (CCB) people will do the
    maintenance/support of that s/w

Advantages of prototype model:

  1. Clarity on requirements from the customer, success rate of the project is higher.
  2. Customer can see the system and he provides the feedback immediately.
  3. Error can detected much earlier as customer is getting involved.
  4. Reduced time and cost.
  5. Improved and increased user involvements.

Disadvantages of prototype model

  1. Customer may think that prototype is the real system.
  2. Time taking model as the actual development does not start until the prototype is
  3. Adopting changes or adding new requirements is difficult.
  4. Prototype is of no use once the development of actual system started.

By Rajashekar

I’m (Rajashekar) a core Android developer with complimenting skills as a web developer from India. I cherish taking up complex problems and turning them into beautiful interfaces. My love for decrypting the logic and structure of coding keeps me pushing towards writing elegant and proficient code, whether it is Android, PHP, Flutter or any other platforms. You would find me involved in cuisines, reading, travelling during my leisure hours.

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