This model was introduced by “William Evans ferrie”. To decrease cost and time in software development, company will go to V-Model but this model can assure quality but not guaranty. ‘V’ stands for verification and validation. This model is also defining mapping in between development stages and testing stages.
This model is not taking more time to develop a quality s/w unlike Fish model
Advantages of V-Model
- Quality of the software gets improved as the model as testing activities for the respective development activity.
- Avoid the defect multiplication.
- Saves more time as testing activities happen well before coding.
- Defects can be identified in the early stages of the life cycle
Disadvantages of V-Model:
- Expensive as it involves more number of resources.
- Adopting any changes in requirement is not possible.
When to use the V-Shaped Model:
All requirements are known up-front
When it can be modified to handle changing requirements beyond analysis phase
Solution and technology are known
Note: In old SDLC models, testing will come after coding only. But, in advanced SDLC
models testing will come in every stage of development by same developer or
separate tester.